These release notes offer an overview of the major new features, enhancements to existing features, and basic instructions on how to set up and use the functionality. Please contact the Support Team for additional assistance. |
A key focus for 23.3 was incremental improvements to User Experience. Improving ease-of-use, software quality, and solution speed, while eliminating known functional defects. We took the feedback you provided, along with opportunities our internal testing teams had identified and made significant progress.
Note: This release coincides with a transition in the toolset we use to track development, as such two different types of identifier are listed: numeric identifiers (e.g. 12345) represent items logged in the old toolset; alphanumeric identifiers (e.g. CCDEV-12345) represent items logged in the new toolset.
New features
- Resolved issues
New features
Agent mobile experience (iOS / iPadOS)
We are delighted to bring to you a fully featured version of the Agent Experience for iOS and iPadOS, Agent Mobile Experience. (CCDEV-82)
The Agent Mobile Experience app is available from the App Store.
Please send us any feedback surrounding the mobile application and usage in your market. This will help us determine what improvements need to be made, as well as the demand in your market. If there is a high demand, we will move forward with an Android application for agents.
Note: Use of the app is only available for agents with existing contact center login credentials. Data charges and voice minutes may apply to mobile app usage.
Note: Where the installed version of the iOS app falls behind the version available in the App Store you will be prompted to update either via an in app download or via the App Store. You can find the major (minor) version number of the app you have installed at the bottom of the hamburger menu (beneath the Logout button).
Note: Please ensure that the iPhone / iPad is not operating in silent mode to ensure the Agent Mb functions correctly.
Transfer external SIP refer
A new Transfer External SIP REFER option has been added to:
- Administration > Queue Management > Queue Rules > a queue rule > Then
- Administration > Phone Configuration > Menus > a menu > Retry Limit Behavior
- Administration > Phone Configuration > Menus > a menu > Option Type
Note: Transfer External SIP REFER will only be added if your telephone provider supports SIP REFER. (15671)
Detailed history email attachments
A new Attachments tab has been added to the Detailed History report for all email interactions. (CCDEV-578)
Click View Details to view the details of an email interaction and select the Attachments tab to download any associated attachments from contact center storage (whether that's system storage or extended third party storage providers).
Note: Whilst the link to the attachment in the storage provider may exist, an error could still be returned when attempting to download the attachment if it is no longer available e.g. if it has been manually deleted, moved, or purged due to retention policy.
Queue based quick text
Quick text(s) is / are predefined blocks of preformatted text that agents can insert into written channel interactions (chat, email, SMS, WhatsApp etc.). Using quick text(s) can save agents time when composing messages or replies, and ensures that important messaging remains consistent.
Prior to this release all quick text was available to all written channel queues. Quick text can now be associated with a queue so that only appropriate quick text can be inserted into appropriate interactions. (CCDEV-1301)
A new Quick Texts Available dropdown has been added to the Outbound tab in queue configuration (Administration > Queue Management > Queues > a queue > (channel) Settings > Outbound) to allow quick text to be associated with a queue. Quick Texts Available can be configured as:
- All - all quick text is available for insertion into interactions from the queue; this is the default setting.
- None - quick text cannot be inserted into interactions from the queue.
- Queue Specific - only a subset of quick text is available for insertion into interactions from the queue.
Where Queue Specific is selected you are expected to choose the quick text you want to associate with the queue, either by clicking Add Another + and associating quick text, or by copying a subset of quick text already associated with another queue.
Agents can insert quick text:
- Associated with the queue from which the inbound interaction was routed.
- Associated with the From queue from which an outbound interaction has been initiated.
A new Queue Assignment column in the quick text grid (Administration > Quick Text) lists which queues each quick text has been associated with.
Note: No further changes have been made to the process of defining quick text or inserting quick text during interactions.
Architecture - .NET migration
The solution was built using .NET Framework, Microsoft’s development framework for building and running applications on Windows. Microsoft have signaled that .NET Framework is considered end-of-life and, whilst support will be maintained for some time (critical fixes etc.), development has ceased.
.NET, previously known as .NET Core, is Microsoft’s open source, cross-platform development framework that doesn’t restrict applications from solely running on Windows.
With .NET Framework being end-of-life, efforts have continued to migrate the solution from .NET Framework to .NET. This release brings the latest round of changes, namely all server side applications and APIs are now running under .NET and can be run on Windows or Unix.
Whilst there will be no noticeable differences for end users these initial changes lay the foundation for the solution to break free from Windows and operate in different environments in a future release. (CCDEV-631)
Flowchart editor
As a result of changes made to migrate the solution to .NET, as of this release all Flowchart Editor users will have to download and install a new version to ensure that it can continue to receive automatic updates going forward.
- Log into the Admin Portal.
- Navigate to User Profile, followed by Downloads.
- Click Download Windows Flowchart Editor and allow the download to complete.
- Install the Flowchart Editor in your local environment.
Note: You do not need to uninstall the previous version. The installer will overwrite existing files.
Agent experience
Station settings
The following changes have been made in Station Settings:
- When Phone is set to Browser Software Phone then the size of the Notification Output dropdown has been increased to ensure that, where a user has multiple audio devices, ALL of them are visible and can be selected via the control. (CCDEV-258, CCDEV-768)
- When Phone is set to Voice-Over-IP Phone (SIP) then the size of the VoIP Device Name dropdown has been increased to ensure that, where a contact center has many VoIP devices defined, ALL of them are visible and can be selected via the control. (CCDEV-756)
Email reply from queue
When replying to an inbound email that has been routed from a queue the From address for the reply defaults to the outbound email address associated with the queue. (CCDEV-441)
Preview campaign voicemail drop
Enhancements have been made to the preview campaign drop voicemail feature to clarify the procedure, and ensure it is more reliable. (CCDEV-564)
- The option to drop voicemail in the Agent Experience ellipsis button context-sensitive menu has changed from Drop voicemail to Mute and drop voicemail.
- On selection the agent is muted immediately (to prevent agent side background noise from interfering with the voicemail drop) and a Mute and drop voicemail modal is displayed containing the following clarification:
Are you sure you want to leave a prerecorded voicemail and end the call? The message will begin immediately. Please wait until you hear a beep before confirming.
Along with a pair of options Drop voicemail and end call and Unmute and cancel. - On selection of Drop voicemail and end call the agent is disconnected from the interaction (depending upon preview dialer queue configuration agents may still need to select a disposition before returning to the Ready state) and the configured voicemail is played back to the contact.
- On selection of Unmute and cancel the agent is unmuted and returned to the contact immediately so the interaction can be continued.
Routing cancellation
An enhancement has been made such that when a contact selects an in-queue option whilst the interaction is being routed to an agent, routing is canceled. (CCDEV-573, CCDEV-730)
The Agent Experience displays the following toast to clarify to the agent:
Routing canceled
Callback requested / Transferred to another queue / Transferred to another destination / Sent to voicemail / Transferred to another destination
Note: The clarification displayed depends upon the in-queue option selected; ‘Transferred to another queue’ for Action Type ‘Change Queue’, ‘Transferred to another destination’ for Action Type ‘Forward’ and ‘Custom Flowchart’, and ‘Sent to voicemail’ for Action Type ‘Send to Voicemail’. ‘Callback requested’ is used where callbacks are enabled against the queue and requested by the contact.
Callback audio alert
The audio alert that is used to notify an agent of an incoming callback now uses the Incoming Call Alert. The default incoming call alert is used until such a time that it is changed, on a per user basis, via User Profile > Phone Settings > Alerts. (12097)
Monitor icon
The Monitor icon, shown for users with the Silent Monitor role and displayed in the Teams panel of the Agent Experience alongside those agents currently on an interaction, has been repositioned slightly to ensure that it and the context-sensitive menu ellipsis button do not overlap and make it difficult to click either button. (CCDEV-288)
Agentless dialer message limit
The volume of concurrent SMS / MMS that can be sent via Agentless Dialer campaigns has been optimized. (CCDEV-1498)
Agentless dialer campaign 10DLC check
A check now occurs when configuring agentless dialer campaigns using US/Canadian numbers from telephony providers who are 10DLC enabled. (CCDEV-60)
Where the agentless dialer campaign is created with a US/Canadian telephone number as Caller ID, and the telephony provider of the number is 10DLC enabled but the number has not yet been associated with a registered and verified 10DLC brand and campaign, then on each attempt to save the campaign the following warning is displayed:
Caller ID not associated with a 10DLC campaign. Please register your brand and campaign and try again.
The contact center prevents the campaign from being saved until the number is associated with a verified 10DLC brand and campaign.
If the telephony provider of the number is not 10DLC enabled a warning still displays as precaution to incurring fines:
Please make sure this Caller ID is associated with a 10DLC campaign before messaging.
Agentless dialer - US / Canada toll free message limit
When saving an agentless dialer campaign that uses a US / Canada toll free number as Caller ID a warning is displayed to remind you that message limits apply. (CCDEV-64)
Daily, weekly and monthly limits apply for messages sent from toll-free numbers to prevent fraud and spam traffic. Exceeding the threshold may result in immediate blocking. To request verification, please contact Support.
Detailed history
SMS / MMS message delivery column
A new optional column, Message Delivery, has been added to the Detailed History report. The column is populated with the final delivery status as returned by the carrier for outbound SMS and MMS sent from the contact center (including from Agentless Dialer campaigns). (CCDEV-74, CCDEV-1185, CCDEV-1186, CCDEV-1187, CCDEV-1189)
Note: Message Delivery Receipt must be enabled in the carrier administration portal to allow the delivery status to be returned to the contact center and the column be populated.
Grid load progress indicator
When a filter is applied to the Detailed History report that returns a large quantity of data the grid now displays an animated load progress indicator and the words ‘One moment please’ whilst retrieving and preparing data for display in the grid. (CCDEV-268)
Schedule report designer reports
All reports created within the Report Designer can now be scheduled so they are emailed to recipients automatically. (CCDEV-319)
Schedule by generating the report then clicking Settings followed by Schedule. A Schedule Report modal launches in which you can create a schedule with the following properties.
- Report Name - identify a schedule
- Repeats - set a send frequency for the scheduled report:
- Daily - schedule a report to be emailed daily
- Weekly - schedule a report to be emailed on a specific day of the week
- Monthly - schedule a report to be emailed on the first, fifteenth or last day of the month
- Duration - set the duration of the data that you wish to include in the report from: previous day, previous week, previous month, last 7 days, last 14 days, last 30 days, last 31 days, last 90 days, week to date, or month to date
- Time Format - set the time format to be used in the report
- Send Time - set the time of day when the report is to be emailed
- Email Address(es) - define the recipient email addresses as a comma or semicolon separated list)
Note: The timezone used is based on the timezone set for the entire contact center.
Having created report schedules the modal also allows you to make changes to existing schedules and delete them.
Outbound default P-AID SIP header
Outbound SIP INVITE messages now include a P-Asserted-Identity (P-AID) if the destination provider is configured with a default P-AID or the telephone number is configured with a P-AID override (System Administration > Reseller > All Phone Numbers > P-AID Override). (CCDEV-674, CCDEV-675, CCDEV-677, CCDEV-679, CCDEV-1072)
Note: Where both destination provider and telephone number are configured with P-AID the telephone number configuration takes precedence.
Open knowledge base article in new tab
To make it easier to read a knowledge base article, and at the same time perform the documented steps within a contact center, articles can now be opened in a new tab. (17315)
An Open in new tab icon is displayed to the right of the article title. Clicking the title opens the article within the contact center; clicking the icon opens the article within a new tab in the same browser.
To ensure that security for contact center specific or System articles is honored, saving the article URL as a favorite, or to clipboard, and attempting to open it in another browser first requires authentication (contact center username and password) before the article opens.
Note: Ctrl + title click to open in a new browser is not supported.
Ring busy when not logged in forwarding rule
Ring Busy has been added as an option for telephone forwarding rules when the user is not logged in (Administration > Users > All Users > Phone Settings > Forwarding > When Not Logged In). This allows a user to be included in a hunt group but their telephone not ring if they are not logged into the contact center at the time of the call. (CCDEV-446)
Redial preview campaigns
Logging has been enhanced around redialing preview campaigns by selecting specific dispositions. (CCDEV-603)
Do not contact
The limit of displaying 10000 records has been removed from the Contact Manager > Do Not Contact grid. (CCDEV-1155)
Blocked list includes SMS / MMS
Where a contact center has the Block Phone Numbers module installed then inbound SMS / MMS are now blocked from numbers included on either the global block list or telephone number block list (in addition to inbound voice calls). Outbound voice and SMS / MMS are still permitted. (CCDEV-1561)
Screen recording
Screen recording has been enhanced to optimize local resource usage and efficiency of the recording client.
Important: All users who have a previous version of the screen recording client installed must download and install the new version of the client. Navigate to User Profile followed by Downloads and redownload the screen recording client. Installing the new version overwrites the old version and will restart a number of times whilst self-updating and configuring.
In addition system administrators are provided with new global recording client controls that manipulate how the screen recording client behaves for all users. Navigate to System Administration, followed by Screen Recording to fine tune the recording experience with the following properties:
- Debug Mode - a checkbox enabling you to specify whether debug features should be activated in the screen recording client (default: disabled)
- Allow Quit - a checkbox enabling you to specify whether agents should be permitted to close the application (default: disabled)
- Recording Folder - specify the local folder to be used whilst screen recordings are being captured (default: ..\AppData\Roaming\Screen Recording\Recordings). To change the location specify a full path from the root.
- Override Recording Command - a checkbox enabling you to specify whether a custom recording command should be used (default: disabled). Intended only for advanced users.
- Override Recording Command Expression - a field enabling you to specify a custom recording comment expression by appending variables that control how recordings are captured. Only displayed when Override Recording Command contains a check mark.
- Use Default Settings - a checkbox enabling you to specify whether the recording client should use default settings, or override with electron BrowserWindow object settings. This is intended only for advanced users.
- Browser Window Settings - a field enabling you to specify custom settings for the recording client using electron BrowserWindow properties. Properties are defined as JSON name/value pairs. More information here. Only displayed when Use Default Settings does not contain a check mark.
- Show Browser Window - a checkbox enabling you to specify whether the recording client window should be displayed once launched. Only displayed if Use Default Settings contains a check mark.
- Show Tray Icon - a checkbox enabling you to specify whether the system tray should show the recording client icon.
- Use Default Settings - a checkbox enabling you to specify whether the system tray icon should use default settings, or override with electron tray object settings. This is intended only for advanced users.
- Tray Context Menu Template - a field enabling you to specify custom settings for the system tray icon using electron context menu properties (defined as JSON name/value pairs). More information here. Only displayed if Use Default Settings contains a check mark.
Note: All users must install the new version of the Screen Recording client
Telephony provider missing contact header
Where no contact header is included in the outbound SIP messaging the solution generates one using the source URi for the message. (CCDEV-795)
Telephony provider outbound configuration
Two new settings have been added for outbound configuration when the carrier requires a FROM SIP header that differs from the solution default (i.e. CLI@SOLUTION_IP_ADDRESS). (CCDEV-796)
The two new settings, Use Authentication User In From Address and Use Endpoint Domain In From Address, are presented as checkboxes in the Outbound tab of telephony provider configuration (Operations > General Data > Telephony Providers) under the Authentication header.
Note: Authentication must be enabled to see the two new settings.
Media server maintenance
Enhancements have been made to the Operations > Health page such that media servers can be set into maintenance mode by way of clicking the Enter maintenance mode now button. The server can leave maintenance mode by clicking a second time. (CCDEV-858)
Setting a media server to maintenance mode will allow other parts of the solution to determine whether calls can be routed to, or made from, that media server. Any active calls, or new calls related to the active calls, will still use the media server but new inbound or outbound calls that are not related will use other media servers.
In addition, a Kill FreeSwitch function has been added enabling media servers to be terminated on demand should they need to be. (CCDEV-1094)
Architecture - Logging enhancements
Enhancements have been made to solution logging to facilitate monitoring and resolution of future issues that may occur. (CCDEV-906)
Module: US and Canada Compliance
A new module, US and Canada Compliance, has been created that adds menus and functionality to enable call centers to comply with US and Canada regulations, such as 10DLC. (CCDEV-78)
Module: Default Data for Voice
A new module has been created, Default Data for Voice, that isolates default data for voice only contact centers (i.e. excludes the default data for written channels such as email, chat and SMS).
It is intended that the new module be used to create default data in contact centers where none of the written omni channels are going to be used. Omnichannel contact centers should still be created using the Default Data Omni Channel module which includes default data for both voice and written channels. (CCDEV-1264)
Resolved issues
Agent experience
- Redundant horizontal scrollbars are no longer displayed. (CCDEV-203)
- Correct routing information for agent-to-agent calls is displayed. (CCDEV-355)
- Outbound SMS cannot be sent unless the From, To and body elements are all defined at the point where the agent clicks Send. If any of the three elements are not defined the Send button is disabled. (CCDEV-411)
- Authentication tokens used to keep-alive Agent Experience connections refresh correctly. (CCDEV-561)
- The Transfer button is no longer displayed for internal agent-to-agent calls when no contacts are connected in the call. (CCDEV-575)
- When a contact center has cause to switch between primary and redundant locations the Agent Experience is able to connect to whichever location is current. (CCDEV-577)
- Callbacks correctly trigger the incoming call audio alert to notify agents of an incoming callback. Other non-voice channel interactions correctly trigger the new message ‘ding’ alert. (CCDEV-614)
- The Standard Page screen pop now displays correctly when called. (CCDEV-838)
- When a contact chooses a requeue in-queue option then the telephone call will route correctly to an agent who has the second queue in their ACD User Profile. (CCDEV-870)
- Performance improvements have been made to the GetDialerLastContactDataCSV API when reporting on multiple campaigns each with large volumes of data. (CCDEV-1127)
- The Today’s Handle Time card correctly displays appropriate queue related statistics when filters are applied. (CCDEV-340, CCDEV-664)
- Agents who have logged out of the Agent Experience, or who have been forced logged out by an administrator, no longer display in contact center dashboards. (CCDEV-884)
- A time zone issue has been resolved that prevented Today’s Handle Time from showing data in US contact centers after 6pm Mountain Standard Time. (CCDEV-977)
- Where the same card is added more than once to a dashboard, each instance of the card is able to have its own configuration. (CCDEV-1140)
- Functionality provided by the Salesforce integration (click to dial, inbound screen pop for Salesforce records with matching caller ID and activity notes) has been confirmed as working post .NET migration. (CCDEV-1280)
Preview dialer
- Dialing attempts to contact numbers that return carrier call disposition Bad Number are not retried and, as such, allow the campaign to stop when all other dialer list attempts have been exhausted. Agent leg dialing attempts that return carrier call disposition Dialing Error correctly apply Dialing Error retry rules. (CCDEV-569, CCDEV-570)
- When redialing a campaign using specific dispositions to identify which you want to reattempt the Confirm Redial modal accurately reflects the count of numbers to be redialed. (CCDEV-603)
- Campaigns with no retry rules configured strictly adhere to making only a single dialing attempt per dialer list telephone number. (CCDEV-613)
- Report data generates successfully for queues that include an ampersand (&) character in the Display Name. (CCDEV-218)
- All Reseller billing reports can now be generated for alternative years without throwing an error when changing the year. (CCDEV-243)
- The Preview Detail report displays an animated progress indicator and the words ‘One moment’ to show it is processing information for large date ranges. (CCDEV-416)
- Attachments received in inbound email are visible and can be downloaded when viewing the interaction via the Detailed History report. (CCDEV-579)
- The statistics returned by the reseller Basic Invoice billing report matches the statistics returned by the contact center specific Detailed History report. (CCDEV-737)
- The All Evaluations report correctly shows evaluations for the defined period. (CCDEV-747)
- Report Designer user / contact reports, that filter or roll up by queues that include an ampersand & in the queue name, can now be downloaded or emailed to recipients successfully. (CCDEV-994)
- Where auto-answer is enabled calls no longer show in the timeline as InQueue when they have already been routed to, and answered by, an agent. (CCDEV-1087)
- Where auto-answer is enabled, the routing and delivered state timeline accurately reflects the transition between those states. (CCDEV-1266)
- Reseller Customer Metrics includes SMS count. The statistics displayed in the grid and a CSV export of the grid match. (CCDEV-1457)
- 10DLC campaigns set to Mixed use case allow you to select multiple use cases. (CCDEV-70)
- When an in-queue timeout occurs during playback of an in-queue announcement (text-to-speech or recorded *.wav file) the timeout action occurs immediately after playback completes. (CCDEV-238)
- When the Quality Management module is installed the Create Evaluation Lists scheduled task starts correctly. (CCDEV-253)
- A main company number is always able to be purchased and assigned when creating a new customer contact center. (CCDEV-263, CCDEV-303)
- Where a module is deleted by a script, and the module was included in a contact center customer template prior to deletion, the module is listed as ‘Not Found’. (CCDEV-313)
- The labels on the buttons used to request / reject a transcript of the completed chat in the contact facing chat widget now display clearly in both Windows and MacOS operating systems. (CCDEV-365)
- Written channel recording storage time as set against the queue is now honored. (CCDEV-370)
- Existing modules are now read-only when adding modules to a contact center via a Reseller or System account. To make a change to existing modules, they must be uninstalled and reinstalled. (CCDEV-375, CCDEV-879)
- Performance improvements have been made to Administration > Phone Configuration > Telephone Numbers page to ensure the grid is able to display up to 20,000 records and respond in good time. (CCDEV-380)
- New email touchpoints always default to using the Default Email queue as the open behavior queue. (CCDEV-396)
- Purchased telephone number CNAM outbound display name now defaults to an empty string, which means unless a change is made the number itself is used. (CCDEV-406)
- The Telephony Provider ID optional column can be displayed in the 10DLC Brands grid. (CCDEV-555)
- Voicemail extensions that are configured to play a *.wav file on reaching the extension now correctly play the recording. (CCDEV-574)
- Errors no longer occur whilst installing modules in new contact centers created from template. (CCDEV-621)
- The Flowchart Editor saves flowcharts correctly. (CCDEV-808)
- A case mismatch issue has been resolved in the flowchart ProvisionOmniDefaults. (CCDEV-830)
- Verified 10DLC brands for all telecom providers display correctly in Administration > Phone Configuration > 10 DLC > Brands. (CCDEV-871)
- When an inbound contact chooses an in-queue option to change the queue, the priority defined for the new queue is honored. (CCDEV-883)
- The arbitrary limit of 5000 rows in the Administration > Channels > SMS grid has been removed. (CCDEV-885)
- White label email and SMS templates are applied correctly for one time passcode emails / SMS, chat transcript emails and password reset emails generated from the Desktop Experience. (CCDEV-909, CCDEV-989, CCDEV-1278)
- Attachments in outbound emails are offloaded to all attached storage providers. (CCDEV-949)
- Missing audio has been resolved in:
- extension to extension calls that establish on different media servers (CCDEV-992)
- inbound calls to greetings/menus where a ring all option is selected (CCDEV-1225)
- The API SaveAgentProfile, used to update agent ACD User Profiles, has been changed to ensure EnableAudioValidation (i.e. Enable Audio Check) defaults to true when not set explicitly in the API call. (CCDEV-1061)
- The APIs GetDialerLastContact and GetDialerLastContactDataCSV correctly return a populated CSV. (CCDEV-1074)
- The Custom Metrics reseller report applies custom date ranges correctly in all time zones. (CCDEV-1080)
- A scroll bar has been added to the New 10DLC Campaign dropdown to ensure that where more brands exist than there is space to display, you can scroll the dropdown to select a brand. (CCDEV-1321)
- The chat client integrated into a web page now remains in a fixed bottom right position, even when the content is scrollable. (CCDEV-1480)
- Scheduled follow-ups no longer trigger prematurely when primary location changes. (CCDEV-1499)