These release notes offer an overview of the major new features, enhancements to existing features, and basic instructions on how to set up and use the functionality.   Please contact the Support Team for additional assistance.


New features

Agent ’Not Ready’ audible alerts

Agent ‘Not Ready’ audible alerts allow a contact center to play a sound to agents when they remain in a not ready state for longer than a defined length of time. Audible alerts are intended as a reminder for agents to change to a ready / working state as soon as possible. The alert can be configured to begin after a certain duration for each Not Ready state. For example, Lunch could be set to begin alerting at 65 minutes while Break could begin to alert at 17 minutes. (15358, 15742, 15755, 15762, 15811)


Audible alerts are configured in Administration > Queue Management > ACD User States > a state group > an ACD user state, using the following properties:


  • Enable Agent Not Ready Audible Alert - a checkbox allowing you to enable or disable audible alerts for the Not Ready ACD User State. Defaults to disabled.
  • First Alert After - a field enabling you to specify the length of time, in seconds, after which the first alert should sound. Only displayed when Enable Agent Not Ready Audible Alert is enabled. Defaults to 300 seconds.
  • Alert Frequency - a field enabling you to specify the length of time, in seconds, between each alert sounding. Only displayed when Enable Agent Not Ready Audible Alert is enabled. Defaults to 30 seconds.
  • Last Alert After - a field enabling you to specify the length of time, in seconds, after the first alert has sounded when the final alert will sound. Only displayed when Enable Agent Not Ready Audible Alert is enabled. Defaults to 300 seconds.


Note: IF an ACD User State Allows Ready AND agent Not Ready audible alerts are enabled THEN the alert will not sound when the agent uses the ready version of the state.


The ACD User State group grid has been updated to include the four new properties as four optional columns:


  • Enable Agent Not Ready Audible Alert maps to the column named Not Ready Audible Alert and, where enabled, contains a selected checkbox.
  • First Alert After maps to the column First Alert After and displays the length of time (seconds).
  • Alert Frequency maps to the column Alert Frequency and displays the length of time (seconds).
  • Last Alert After maps to the column Last Alert After and displays the length of time (seconds).


When the alert triggers it sounds through the speaker device configured for Notifications, a notification will display indicating “You’ve exceeded the allotted time for this state. Please update your presence.” The sound continues until either the agent changes state OR audible alert configuration dictates it should stop. If an agent changes state whilst the audible alert is sounding it will play to completion. If the new state is also configured with an audible alert the timer that tracks when the alert should sound starts to increment as soon as the state change occurs (even if the previous agent state audible alert is still sounding). If an agent changes state whilst finishing up a previous interaction the timer only increments when the previous interaction is completed and the state change actually occurs.

Note: Attempting to change to the same state does not stop the alert from sounding. 


Agents can change the audible alert they hear by selecting from those listed using My Profile > Phone Settings > Alerts > Inactivity Alert in the web Portal. Only audible alerts that have been uploaded to the contact center File Manager under Root > RingSounds > InactivityAlerts are listed for selection.


Note: To apply changes to ACD User State audible alert configuration, or to the alert that an agent hears, agents must log out of, and back into, the Agent Experience.

Microsoft Teams integration

This release introduces a new module, Microsoft Teams Integration, enabling you to integrate your contact center with Microsoft Teams. (6984, 15527, 15528, 16416, 16602)


Once the integration has been configured your contact center agents are able to:


  • search for,  and see presence status of, Microsoft Teams members who have a phone number assigned to them
  • where an agent can be mapped to a Microsoft Teams member (by name or email address matching in both contact center and Azure Active Directory), then when an inbound or outbound interaction is accepted the integration pushes a status change to Microsoft Teams to display presence of Busy / In a call; once the interaction completes the integration again pushes a status change to Microsoft Teams to revert presence back to Available
  • outbound dial Microsoft Teams members who have a phone number assigned to them (displays as an external call in Microsoft Teams; best practice is to add contact center numbers into the Microsoft Teams directory for call origination identification purposes)
  • transfer (blind and warm) and conference telephone interactions in your contact center to Microsoft Teams members


When an agent is on a call with a Microsoft Teams member the Agent Experience displays the Microsoft Teams logo to the right of their name to identify them as on Microsoft Teams. (15529) 


If an agent is handling a call with a customer and a Microsoft Teams member AND call recording is configured against the queue from which the customer was routed THEN the call will continue to be recorded provided the agent remains connected to the call (e.g. a blind transfer would stop recording when the agent drops from the call). However, this can be mitigated by installing the Advanced Queue Configuration module and enabling ‘Continue recording on external transfers’ in Administration > Queue Management > Queue Settings. Direct calls between agents and Microsoft Teams members with no customer on the line are not recorded.


The Historical - Contacts > Detailed History report has been enhanced to append ‘- MS Teams’ to the Destination Description column when a telephone interaction is routed to a Microsoft Teams member (outbound dial or transfer). (15530) Similarly, the ACD Interactions (aka Active Contacts)  dashboard card appends ‘- MS Teams’ to the detail in the Dialed Number Description column.


Note: If you have Microsoft Teams integrated with your contact center prior to the release of this module you will still need to complete the new configuration requirements outlined in the knowledge base article Microsoft Teams Integration.

Architecture - FreeSWITCH scaling

 FreeSWITCH is the backbone of the voice communications channel within the platform. It provides functionality to handle Voice-Over-IP signaling over a number of communications protocols in a carrier grade solution.


Current platform topology uses a pair of FreeSWITCH servers in each band, one active and the other backup, using a Linux keepalive daemon to handle failure detection and call recovery. The long term aim is for the platform to support N active FreeSWITCH nodes in a band to improve scalability, flexibility and resilience.


To facilitate the move to N active FreeSWITCH nodes the platform has been modified as follows:


  • The platform now supports media server groups
  • Each media server group can contain multiple media server nodes (FreeSWITCH)
  • Media Server Groups are assigned to customers to handle their voice traffic


The platform load balances calls over the media server nodes within a media server group. This means the platform can operate under the default two node configuration but also have the flexibility to isolate voice calls by increasing the number of media server groups. For example, the customer base could be split between multiple media server groups of FreeSWITCH nodes, or it could be configured to isolate a specific customer to one specific group of FreeSWITCH nodes.


Platform scalability improves by adding more FreeSWITCH nodes, flexibility improves by grouping nodes together and assigning them to customers, and resilience greatly improves as the platform is no longer dependent on a single active node. Instead, calls are distributed across the available nodes and should a FreeSWITCH fail, its calls are recovered automatically across the remaining available nodes. (15947, 15956, 15968, 16448, 16717)

Architecture - .NET migration

The platform was built using .NET Framework, Microsoft’s development framework for building and running applications on Windows. Microsoft have signaled that .NET Framework is considered end-of-life and, whilst support will be maintained for some time (critical fixes etc.), development has ceased.


.NET, previously known as .NET Core,  is Microsoft’s open source, cross-platform development framework that doesn’t restrict applications from solely running on Windows.


With .NET Framework being end-of-life, efforts have been made to migrate the platform from .NET Framework to .NET. This release brings the latest round of changes to Web applications and APIs to ensure they run under both .NET and Linux.


Whilst there will be no noticeable differences for end users these initial changes lay the foundation for the platform to break free from Windows and operate in different environments in a future release. (12030, 15948, 15959, 15960, 15961, 15962, 15965, 15967)

P-AID SIP header

Resellers are now able to define default P-AID (P-Asserted-Identity) SIP header information at the telephony provider level, and override the default at the telephone number level, for their customers. Carriers will use the P-AID as the Caller-ID if present, overriding the SIP From header.

Provider level P-AID defaults, on a per customer basis, are defined using System Administration > Reseller > All Customers > edit a customer > Telephony

Number level overrides are defined by clicking P-AID Override for a telephone number via System Administration > Reseller > All Phone Numbers. (11754)

Dial contact center extensions from external PBX

The platform now supports inbound dialing from an external PBX direct to contact center extensions (i.e. 4 or 5 digit numbers), even where a trunk is shared by multiple tenants and extension numbers could be duplicated within tenants. In practice, after configuration the PBX user will be able to directly dial a contact center extension number and the call ring out at the appropriate contact center extension. (11842)



Agent / Desktop Experience

Email address auto-complete

 Email channel interactions now support email address auto-complete against matches found in the Contact Manager.


For both new and reply emails, when typing an email address into any of the To, CC or BCC fields, if the partially complete address can be string matched against any addresses already in the Contact Manager then ALL matches will be offered for auto-completion by clicking the matching address. (7324)

Discarding outbound calls

Prior to this release the Discard button was visible but inactive (i.e. could not be clicked) whilst outbound dialing a telephone number. If the dial failed the button became active allowing the agent to discard and exit outbound dialing; if the call connected the button was replaced by call controls.


A change has been made so that the Discard button is only ever visible when it is active (i.e. can be clicked). This means that as soon as the agent clicks Call, and for the duration of dialing, the Discard button is now hidden, only returning if the dial attempt fails (allowing the agent to exit outbound dialing). (8216)


The Agent Experience keypad (accessed by clicking Keypad during an interaction) now supports quick entry by keyboard as well as by mouse click. When launched the Numeric Input field defaults to being in focus for keyboard entry. If an agent uses their mouse to add digits focus is removed, should the agent want to return to keyboard entry they must click the Numeric Input field to restore focus before proceeding. (16953)


Prior to this release, when a manager clicked Monitor in the Team panel (to start monitoring an agent interaction) the icon changed to blue but the button beneath (showing the current monitoring mode) changed to gray, resembling a disabled button.

From this release the icon and the button both change to the same blue to make it clear that monitoring is enabled and which is the current mode of operation. (13487)

New ‘To’ field interface for outbound and transfers

When dialing outbound, or transferring, the ‘To’ dropdown has been enhanced to clarify who is a contact center user, who is a contact from the Contact Manager and who is a Microsoft Teams user (if the Microsoft Teams Integration module is installed and configured). (15528, 16973)

Contact center users are listed alongside an icon that contains their initials, a coloured sphere superimposed in the bottom right and the name of their current ACD user state. The coloured sphere identifies the current ACD user state (gray offline, green ready states, yellow full capacity or wrap, red not ready states). ACD user state name is also listed.


Contacts from the Contact Manager are listed alongside an icon that contains their initials and a contact card icon superimposed in the top left.


Microsoft Teams members are listed alongside an icon containing their initials and a Microsoft Teams logo superimposed in the top left.


Note: If a contact does not have a first and last name, the icon displays with a dash rather than initials. 


ACD user state ‘online’

From this release in new contact centers, the realtime Ready and Not Ready display names for the ACD User State ‘Online’ have been changed to help clarify agent state. Real time ready / not ready display names for ACD User States are displayed in the Agent Experience as well as in dashboard cards and reports.


Prior to this release both Ready and Not Ready display names for the ACD User State ‘Online’ had no value and so inherited the name of the ACD User State. Online provides no real clarity as to whether the agent is online Ready or online Not Ready. As a result the real time display names for the ACD User State ‘Online’ have been changed to ‘Ready’ and ‘Not Ready’. (11943)


Note: This change will only apply to newly created contact centers. Existing contact centers who want to follow suit need to change the values of Administration > Queue Management > ACD User States > Online > Real-time Ready Display Name and Real-time Not Ready Display Name

Extensions forwarding description

A new optional Description column has been added to the Administration > Users > Extensions grid (defaulting to hidden). Description displays the forwarding description for the extension. (16449)

Screen pops in Agent Experience iframe

Screen pops have been enhanced to allow the content to display in an iframe in the Agent Experience side panel. (12642)


A new ‘Open in Side Panel of Agent Experience’ option has been added to Administration > Queue Management > Queues > a queue > Common Queue Settings > Screen Pops > Action Type that allows Custom User Pages and External Web Pages to be displayed in the Agent Experience side panel iframe. The iframe includes a refresh button that allows agents to refresh the content should it be necessary. Whilst the Admin Portal allows configuration of an External Web Page to pop in the side panel, most modern websites make use of xframe-options sameorigin to prevent their content from being loaded in iframes outside of their domain.


Note: The side panel is only visible when the Agent Experience is maximized to a width greater than 650 pixels (i.e. the width of the navigation panel and interaction controls panel combined). In all widths greater than 650 pixels the iframe is responsive based on the breakpoints set in the content. Mobile and tablet are not supported.


API Browser

Changes have been made in the API Browser to ensure that only the APIs you are permitted to use are listed. (15670)


Enhancements have been made to the KillContact API so that the response message returned provides clearer detail relating to the kill command. See the KillContact API knowledge base article for further details. (15809)


Chat touchpoints have been enhanced to give better control over how website visitors access the chat widget, and to customize elements of the chat widget. (15996, 15998, 16000)


To ensure that the chat widget does not interfere with other elements of a website the widget is now contained by an iframe. The embeddable code snippet has been changed accordingly (the original code snippet continues to work as before).


Note: Please switch to the new code snippet at your earliest convenience, the old code snippet will be retired in a future release.


Chat touchpoints also now offer a URL, in addition to the embeddable code snippet, so that website designers can pop the chat widget out of a page using a button instead of relying on the functionality provided by the snippet. The URL is available from the Administration > Channels > Chat grid by clicking View pop out link for a chat touchpoint.


A new Experience tab has been added to chat touchpoints enabling you to define the following chat widget behavioral properties:


  • A Title field enabling you to define a custom string to be displayed in the widget header.
  • An API Key dropdown enabling you to select an API key. When the API key expires the chat widget will fail to connect to your contact center. To avoid expiry, set the API key expiration date far into the future.
  • A Start Chat Opened checkbox (defaults to selected) enabling you to specify whether when the embeddable code snippet is used, and a visitor hits your website, the chat widget opens automatically. Not applicable if you are using the URL pop out method.
  • A Favicon Upload control enabling you to display your choice of favicon in the widget header (to the left of the title). Favicons work best in the chat widget when sized to 200px by 200px.


Allow users to pause recording

Preview dialer queues now support pause / resume recording so that agents can choose to pause recording when capturing sensitive data, such as card details, and resume immediately after.


An Allow users to pause recording checkbox has been added to Administration > Queue Management > Queues > a preview queue > Preview Dialer Settings > Recordings. Enabling adds Pause Recording and Resume Recording to the context-sensitive menu accessed by clicking the Agent Experience ellipsis button whilst handling a preview dialer interaction. (16453)

Disposition property added for ‘is live answer’

A new Is Live Answer property has been added to dispositions to identify interactions assigned the disposition as a live answer EVEN if carrier call detection does not identify as a live answer. (16688)


Is Live Answer dispositions can be assigned to interactions in preview dialer campaigns to ensure that where you do not want to retry a contact they can be excluded from retry attempts using Retry Rules.

GetDialerContactData API

Four new APIs have been added to allow retrieval of dialing attempt data in preview dialer campaigns.

  • GetDialerContactData - allows you to submit a combination of preview dialer campaign IDs, dialer list IDs and telephone numbers as URL parameters and the response returned details the status of every dial attempt made to all associated contacts.
  • GetDialerContactDataCSV - allows you to submit a combination of preview dialer campaign IDs, dialer list IDs and telephone numbers as URL parameters and a CSV will be returned detailing the status of every dial attempt made to all associated contacts.
  • GetDialerLastContactData - allows you to submit a combination of preview dialer campaign IDs, dialer list IDs and telephone numbers as URL parameters and the response returned will detail the last dial status of the associated contacts.
  • GetDialerLastContactDataCSV - allows you to submit a combination of preview dialer campaign IDs, dialer list IDs and telephone numbers as URL parameters and a CSV will be returned detailing the last dial status of the associated contacts.

Please refer to Knowledge Base articles for full details. (15973)

Redial agent and system dispositions

Prior to this release, the preview dialer Redial Campaign functionality only permitted you to redial agent assigned dispositions for the most recent dial attempt during the campaign. As of this release the Redial Campaign functionality allows you to either redial a subset of agent assigned dispositions, OR redial a subset of system dispositions (but not both).

Clicking Redial Campaign presents the Redial Campaign modal in which you can make an initial selection of agent or system dispositions. Following that selection a series of check boxes allow you to select the specific agent / system dispositions that you want to redial. (15565)



Missed contacts

Prior to his release the Historical - ACD Users > Missed Contacts report contained a Total Denied metric that was calculated by adding missed (agent did not answer) and rejected (agent clicked reject) interactions for an agent during the report period.
The missed and rejected counts have now been added to the report as standalone metrics, Total Missed and Total Rejected. Add the optional columns by clicking Filters and using the Columns dropdown to add Total Missed and / or Total Rejected.


Additionally the report has been renamed from Missed Contacts to Denied Contacts. (10251, 15256)

Aggregator data accuracy

Several changes have been made to the reporting ETL process to address accuracy issues. (16288, 16522, 16568, 16619, 16630, 16697, 16994, 17019)

  • Logic has been updated to ensure that user data is more accurately aggregated
  • Inbound and outbound totals in daily summary aggregation have been corrected
  • Logic has been added to batch ETL process to 10 records at at time to reduce the likelihood of falling behind in aggregation

Cloud Routing Detail

Changes have been made to the Cloud Routing > Cloud Routing Detail report to ensure that rows always include a Completion Code and include information relating to each destination a call was routed to and whether it was accepted or rejected. (15816)

Report Designer - total answered

The user report metric Total Answered has been changed to only include inbound answered interactions in the calculation (not including calls that were denied or remained unanswered by an agent). Prior to this release the calculation included both inbound and outbound answered interactions. (16837)

Queue Volume Summary

Prior to his release the Historical - Contacts > Queue Volume Summary report contained a Total Denied metric that was calculated by adding missed (agent did not answer) and rejected (agent clicked reject) interactions for an agent during the report period.

The missed and rejected counts have now been added to the report as standalone metrics, Total Missed and Total Rejected. Add the optional columns by clicking Filters and using the Columns dropdown to add Total Missed and / or Total Rejected. (15250)

User Volume Summary

Prior to his release the Historical - ACD Users > User Volume Summary report contained a Total Denied metric that was calculated by adding missed (agent did not answer) and rejected (agent clicked reject) interactions for an agent during the report period.

The missed and rejected counts have now been added to the report as standalone metrics, Total Missed and Total Rejected. Add the optional columns by clicking Filters and using the Columns dropdown to add Total Missed and / or Total Rejected. (15251)



To prevent columns from accidentally being removed from grids the ability to drag a column header out of a grid has been disabled. Columns can still be repositioned within a grid using drag-and-drop but can no longer be removed entirely. (11199)

Help tour

Button links to Launch Help Tour have been removed. (12113)

Locale and voice support

The locales and voices offered for use within the platform have been increased. (16984)

 The following locales are now supported: Albanian - Albania, Basque - Spain, Bulgarian - Bulgaria, Galician - Spain, Georgian - Georgia, Macedonian - Macedonia, Marathi - India, Mongolian - Mongolia, Myanmar - Burmese, Nepali - Nepal, Norwegian Bokmål - Norway and Wu - China.


Approximately 250 new voices / accents are also available for use.

MeetMe conferencing

Modifications have been made to MeetMe conferencing that ensure all legs are handled correctly by the active FreeSWITCH hosting the conference. (15958)


As a result of the solution now supporting external web page screen pops with variables, the following modules have been removed (which each allowed you to display a customer record using a screen pop):

  • Freshdesk Integration
  • Shopify Integration
  • Zendesk Integration
  • Zoho Integration

 A future release will introduce a CRM Integrator module to allow for further integration options for these and other external tools. (16795)

Resolved issues

Agent Experience

  • When a manager monitors an agent to coach them through an interaction two way audio is correctly established between agent and manager. (11332)
  • The Agent Experience successfully initializes when attempting to log in after an audio check has failed. (11628)
  • When a contact select an in queue option to change queue whilst the interaction is routing to an agent the agent is returned to the Ready state.(11912)
  • When channel delivery timeout expires before an agent accepts / rejects, routing now ends immediately and the interaction returns to the queue. (15061) 
  • ACD User Profiles that have been created from Profile Templates where Auto Answer is enabled now automatically answer telephone calls. (15828)
  • Email interactions routed through a queue that is configured to require dispositions can no longer be completed without assigning dispositions. (15924)
  • Scheduled follow ups are correctly made in all time zones. (16010)
  • Multiple screen pop issues have been resolved. (16441)



  • KillContact no longer errors when attempting to kill contacts whilst a campaign is in progress. (16490)


  • Extensions that have been configured to forward to a greeting now queue correctly if the associated queue menu option is selected. (16293)

  • Using Save Copy As… to duplicate a menu saves the new copy. (15294)

Phone configuration

  • Yealink hardware phones are now correctly added. (16847)
  • The telephone number whitelist features (contact center wide Administration > Phone Configuration > Whitelisted Numbers, and telephone number specific Administration > Phone Configuration > Settings > Whitelist Numbers) are only available when the Whitelist Phone Numbers module is installed. (17082)


  • Changes made to the queues assigned in the ACD User Profile of an agent are now reflected in the Agent Experience immediately; agents do not have to log out, and back in, to see the change. (8805)
    Note: If routing to an agent has already started when a queue is unassigned from their ACD User Profile the agent is still able to accept / deny that interaction; however, no further interactions from the queue are routed to the agent.
  • Where callbacks are disabled the platform no longer generates callbacks for contacts who have abandoned in queue. (10961)
  • Copy From Profile Templates correctly copies from a profile template. (11377)
  • An inactive queue rule that remains associated with a queue is no longer applied when the queue rule conditions are met. (16283)


  • An issue has been resolved where statistics do not match when viewing the Today’s Handle Time card in a reporting contact center (focussed on the contact center that generates the data) and the same card, configured in the same way, in the contact center that generates the data. (12689, 13633)
  • The Home dashboard constantly redrawing when viewed at a resolution of 1920x1080 has been resolved. (12699)
  • Attempts to silent monitor live calls via the ACD Interactions (aka Active Contacts) or ACD Users (aka Agents) cards in a reporting contact center no longer fail to initialise. (12689, 13633)
  • When filtering the Today’s Handle Time or ACD Interactions (aka Active Contacts) cards in a reporting contact center the objects you can filter on (queue, queue group and channel) accurately reflect the queues, queue groups and channels permitted by the User API key. (12689, 13633)
  • When adding filters to dashboard cards the filter modal for all cards is titled ‘Edit Filters’.  (15993)
  • Column sort issues have been resolved in ACD Users (aka Agents) and ACD Interactions (aka Queue Handling) cards. (15994)
  • Dashboard card memory leaks have been plugged. (16560)
  • A redundant modal has been removed when adding the Agents Not Ready donut card to a dashboard. (16569)
  • Filters are correctly saved against the ACD Interactions (aka Active Contacts) card. (16631)
  • An issue has been resolved in the Today’s Handle Time card that prevented it from displaying data. (16856, 16861)


  • Clicking Show Campaign Queue in Dialers > Campaign Progress for a running preview dialer campaign now accurately lists pending numbers to dial. (15938)
  • Agentless dialer campaigns correctly dial through associated lists of telephone numbers. (16018)
  • Paused preview dialer campaigns now resume as intended. (16563, 16845)


  • The Last Refresh date time and time zone in all historical reports are listed using the contact center reporting time zone. (11176)
  • Scheduled reports display the ‘Generated On’ date time using the contact center reporting time zone. (11629)
  • Report Designer contact reports now show Display Name instead of Queue Name for included queues. (15983)
  • Internal transfers that are denied by the target of the transfer are no longer reported as abandons. (15987)
  • Report Designer user and contact reports with date ranges applied no longer include data for the day immediately before the first day in the range. (16287, 16479, 16806)
  • Changes have been made to abandoned metric calculations to ensure they accurately reflect abandoned in / out service level and abandon time. (16290)
  • When an agent denies a scheduled follow-up denied time now accurately reflects the time from being offered the interaction to denying it. (16433)
  • Calls that remained in queue for longer than configured service level are no longer being reported as answered within service level. (16575)
  • Calls with talk time no longer report Completion Code as Abandoned. (16576)
  • Once generated the Callback Details report can be downloaded. (16595)
  • Detailed History durations greater than 0ms and less than  1000ms are now rounded up to 1 second to prevent them from displaying as 0 seconds. Impacts on Prequeue Time, Queue Time, User Talk Time, Contact Duration, Handle Time, Routing Time, Wrap Time, Outbound Dialing Time, Abandon Time, CallBack Time, Hold Time and Transfer Time. (16612)
  • An issue has been resolved that prevented the Historical Contact - Disposition Summary report from displaying data. (16635)
  • Historical - Contacts > Queue Event Summary report now generates using a monthly interval. (16656)
  • An issue has been resolved that prevented the Send and Schedule options from working in the Historical - Contacts > Callback Details report. (16682)
  • Outbound SMS no longer report End Time as 0 (zero). (16742)
  • Agent to agent calls made using the Agent Experience ‘New conversation’ method no longer list a queue when viewed in Detailed History. This change aligns ‘New conversation’ with calls made from the Team panel where queue is not listed already. Whilst New conversation still requires a queue to be picked it was felt that agent to agent should not be reported as a queue related call. (16810)
  • Scheduled follow-ups that remain unanswered after 40 seconds of routing time (hard coded timeout) and re-queue are now correctly listed in Detailed History with a Routing Time of 40 seconds and Denied = 1. (16829)


  • Contact requested callbacks are reliably being placed with agents. (11287)
  • Teams display correctly in a quality monitoring evaluation list where Use All Teams is disabled. (15491)
  • Audio loss has been resolved for inbound calls to extensions that route to a PSTN telephone number. (15520)
  • Typos have been corrected. (15800)
  • Dates for holiday rules can now be manually keyed in. (15925)
  • The obsolete scheduled task Run Scheduled FollowUps ETL has been removed. (16421)
  • Extensions configured as Forward External now correctly display their description. (16443)
  • Custom user page screen pops correctly interpolate values. (16518)
  • Duplicate session IDs caused by two aggregators running in parallel have been deduplicated. (16598)
  • The Screen Recording executable digital signature has been revalidated. (16839)
  • 405 Server Error is no longer returned after a company switches bands. (16868)
  • An issue has been resolved with multi-factor authentication (MFA) login tokens not being accepted. (16997)