Step 1: Create the Device in the CCPro SmartPBX

Log into 

Go to Devices

Click on Add Device

Select Soft Phone from the drop down.

Enter a name for the device, and select the user to assign it to.
Leave all other fields untouched, and click Create Device

You should now see your device in the list, the icon is coloured red as it is not yet registered / provisioned.
You can go back into the settings above by clicking the spanner on the right.

Step 2: Configure your SoftPhone

These are the settings you will need for your softphone:
UserID: The SIP Username value from the device you just created (click the spanner next to it)
Password: The SIP Password value from the device you just created (clicking into the field reveals the password)
Domain / SIP URL: The Realm value from the device you just created
Outbound Proxy:

These fields can vary from softphone to softphone. if you are experiencing difficulties, please contact support.

Once registered, you should be able to make inbound and outbound calls, and your device's icon should show green in the PBX device screen.