These release notes offer an overview of the major new features, enhancements to existing features, and basic instructions on how to set up and use the functionality. Please contact the Support Team for additional assistance. |
- New features
- Enhancements
- Resolved issues
New features
Agent experience
Reset wrap timer
The 23.1 release introduces an Allow Reset of Wrap Up Timer feature as a configuration setting under Administration > Queue Management > Queues > a queue > Wrap Up.
Wrap Up is the state that an agent enters either when they choose to end an interaction (i.e. agent enters wrap by clicking the Hang Up / Close button), or when the contact hangs up before the agent has ended the interaction (i.e. contact forces the agent into wrap). Wrap up is intended to be used for work that needs to be completed after the interaction ends but before the next one begins. Wrap is enabled / disabled against the queue and can be configured as Wrap Up with Unlimited Wait (i.e. allow an unlimited period of wrap and rely on agents to end interactions), or as Wrap Up with a Timeout (i.e. wrap will timeout, agents have X seconds to complete all post interaction work before it will end automatically).
IF Wrap Up Mode is configured as Wrap Up with a Timeout THEN the Agent Experience displays a countdown timer that shows how much longer the agent has in wrap until the interaction ends automatically (unless they proactively end it sooner).
IF Wrap Up Mode is configured as Wrap Up with a Timeout AND Allow Reset of Wrap Up Timer is enabled THEN an additional Reset Timeout button is displayed in the Agent Experience to allow agents to reset the wrap up timer to its starting value. Within any interaction an agent can click the button to reset the wrap up timer as often as necessary to allow them to complete post interaction work.
Note: Allow Reset of Wrap Up Timer is only displayed when Wrap Up Mode is Wrap Up with a Timeout. WHERE Wrap Up Mode is Wrap Up with a Timeout AND Allow Reset of Wrap Up Timer is disabled THEN the Reset Timeout button is not displayed in the Agent Experience.
For reporting, where the wrap up timer is repeatedly reset within an interaction, all wrap time is rolled up into one value. (10998)
Outbound dialing status
The Agent Experience now displays outbound dialing status using animated images positioned between the queue name and the interaction handling controls. (12655)
Whilst dialing you’ll now see an animated series of dots leading up to a telephone icon within concentric circles.
When ringing you’ll see the concentric circles around the telephone icon expanding outward.
When connected the telephone icon will roll back over the series of dots to be replaced by a green telephone icon.
When disconnected (regardless of who disconnects) the green telephone icon will shrink away to nothing.
Hangup originator identification
When a call ends, the hangup originator is now displayed to the agent as a toast that remains visible for 5 seconds before disappearing. (10997)
- If the agent hangs up using the End Call button, the toast displays “Call disconnected. You hung up.”
- If the agent transferred the call using Blind Transfer, the toast will display “Call disconnected. Transferred.”
- If the agent transferred the call using Conference, Warm Transfer or multi-call, the toast will display “Call disconnected. You dropped out.”
- If the contact disconnected the call during a 1:1 call or during a conference or consult, the toast will display “Call disconnected. [Contact_Name] hung up.”
- If system disconnects the call for any reason, the toast will display “System disconnected.”
Message bus
We have replaced a core component that was responsible for brokering messages between microservices. This change has been made to address platform stability and resiliency. The new component provides better failover behavior and addresses memory and connectivity issues which had previously been implicated in some unplanned service disruptions. (12660 - 12661 & 15187; 12026 - 11854, 11855, 11856 & 12336)
Reporting aggregations
There are several user experience enhancements coming to reporting with this release, as well as improvements to what is happening “behind-the-scenes''. We have completely rewritten the data collection and aggregation (ETL) process to allow reporting to be more manageable, scalable, and robust. (12031 - 11678, 11677, 11651, 12156, 12164)
Report designer
This release introduces a custom report builder located under Reports > Report Designer. Where our canned reports don’t provide for your needs the Report Designer allows you to create ad-hoc reports that precisely satisfy your requirements, because you created them.
This first release of the Report Designer allows you to create, make changes to, and delete reports that only you can see and generate. This new feature replaces Performance Metrics, which will be removed in this release. (15518) Just like other historical reports, once it has been generated you can download or email it to recipients (either directly, or at regular intervals as per a schedule). (12421, 12420)
The process of creating a custom report has four stages:
- Select whether to create a contact or user report. This decision is important as it impacts the subset of metrics that you can include in the report. Only metrics that are applicable to users are offered for a user report, and only metrics applicable to contacts are offered for a contact report.
- Select the metrics that you want to include in the report. All metrics in the subset offered are categorized and, within category, listed alongside a checkbox. Metric selection is as easy as ensuring the checkboxes for those you want to include contain a check mark.
3. Metrics have been categorised as follows
Contact metrics | User metrics | ||
- Change the order of the metrics you have chosen using a simple drag and drop interface to put them in an order that makes sense to you. For each metric click and hold the hamburger icon
and drag it to another position further up / down the list. The metric at the top is the leftmost column in the report, the metric at the bottom the rightmost.
- Finally give your report a name and a description, define filters (user reports: users and/or teams, contact reports: queues and/or queue groups), specify roll up (both reports: date, date and interval, channel, queue group, queue or agent) and optionally preview before saving.
To run a custom report navigate to Reports > Report Designer and click Run Report . (11621)
Build your own dashboards
The 23.1 release also introduces custom dashboards. After rolling out our additional dashboard in the 22.4 release, we received a lot of feedback relating to moving cards between dashboards and resizing cards. This new feature directly addresses that feedback. You can now make changes to the existing canned dashboards and create your own dashboards to include cards in any configuration. (11664, 12147) Custom dashboards are associated with your user account, only you are able to see the changes that you make. (11666)
Note: If you already have custom dashboards then after the 23.1 update you will not be able to customize these further by adding or removing cards. Custom dashboards prior to 23.1 are not compatible with 23.1 dashboards.
To facilitate the addition of custom dashboards the Admin Portal Home page has changed from a multi-tab layout to switch between Home Dashboard and Agents & Contacts, to using a dropdown control to access Home Dashboard, Agents & Contacts, your custom dashboard configurations and a button to create new custom dashboards. Click + New Dashboard to create a new dashboard, or select a dashboard (including Home Dashboard and Agents & Contacts) and click Edit (top left corner), and enter editing mode.
(2532) Whilst you are in editing mode:
- use the editable field at the top of the dashboard to name / rename it
- click
to add a card
- click
next to the name of a card to rename it
- click-hold-and-drag to resize a card using the resize handle
in the bottom right corner of each card
- drag-and-drop to move a card when the cursor changes to a
- click
to define a card filter
- click
to delete a card
- click
to delete a dashboard
- click
to save changes
- click
to discard changes
Cards that can be added to a dashboard include:
- ACD Interactions (grid)
- ACD Users (grid)
- ADC Users Donut
- Agents Not Ready (donut)
- Avg Speed of Answer (counter)
- Conversations In Progress (counter)
- In Queue Availability (grid)
- In Queue Counter
- Inbound Abandon Rate (counter)
- Interactions In Queue State Donut
- Interactions State Total Donut
- Occupancy (counter)
- Today’s Handle Time (interactive bar chart)
- Today’s Queue Summary (grid)
- Utilization % (counter)
Dashboard card: Today’s queue summary
A new grid based card, Today’s Queue Summary, has been added to the library available to add to dashboards.
Today’s Queue Summary provides you with a summary of queue activity for today with the following metrics:
- Queue - the name of the queue
- In Queue - the number of contacts currently waiting in queue (real time counter)
- Longest Wait - the current longest wait time experienced in queue (real time HH:MM:SS)
- CB In Queue - the number of contacts who have requested a callback currently waiting in queue (real time counter)
- CB Longest Wait - the current longest wait time experienced in queue by a contact who has requested a callback (real time HH:MM:SS)
- Offered - the number of contacts routed to the queue including internal transfers (historic counter)
- Direct Offered - the number of contacts routed to the queue excluding internal transfers (historic counter)
- Delivered - the number of contacts who have been routed to the queued, subsequently delivered to an agent and their interaction has been completed (historic counter)
- ASA - the average speed of answer for the queue (seconds)
- SL % - the service level for the queue (percentage)
- Abn % - the inbound abandonment rate for the queue (percentage)
- Denied - the number of contacts that have been routed to the queue and denied by agents (historic counter)
Today’s Queue Summary can be filtered by Channel Type, Queue and Queue Group. (11084)
Dashboard card: Conversations in progress
A new single-metric card, Conversations In Progress, has been added to the library available to add to dashboards.
Conversations In Progress displays a count of interactions that are currently connected to agents, incrementing on connection to agent and decrementing when an interaction completes. Conversations In Progress can be filtered by Channel Type, Queue and Queue Group. (11380)
Dashboard card: Service level
A new single-metric card, Service level, has been added to the library available to add to dashboards.
Service Level displays the percentage of interactions that have been handled within service level today (00:00 to the current time) and can be filtered by Channel Type, Queue and Queue Group. (11668)
Run alternate greeting
You can now send a call directly to another greeting via the closed and holiday branches of a greeting. This allows the call to hit multiple greetings in a row without first having to redirect the call to another menu to play the alternate greeting.
To facilitate this the greeting Closed Behavior and Holiday Behavior properties both now have a new Run Alternate Greeting option that, when selected, displays an additional Closed Greeting or Holiday Greeting property (as appropriate) from which you can select the alternate greeting.
Note: The Closed Greeting / Holiday Greeting properties are only displayed when Closed Behavior / Holiday Behavior are set to Run Alternate Greeting. (10906)
Module: Verint WFM Professional
We are happy to announce that the 23.1 release introduces a new Verint WFM
Professional module allowing you to integrate with Verint WFM Professional (formerly known as Monet). Verint WFM Professional is a workforce management forecasting and scheduling solution that can help ensure you always have the right number of agents online at the right times of the day based on analysis of historical contact center data. The Verint WFM Professional module allows you to configure your integration with Verint WFM Professional. Once your contact center and Verint are connected your contact center data is sent to Verint WFM Professional automatically using recurring scheduled tasks. The Verint WFM Professional module also enables you to manually send historical agent or contact data for a predefined date range (outside of the recurring scheduled tasks); this may be useful to send data and build a picture of activity prior to using the Verint WFM Professional module or if connectivity issues are experienced. (10783)
Note: To send data using the Verint WFM Professional module you must have a Verint WFM Professional account.
Installing the Verint WFM Professional module in your contact center installs two new menu options and four scheduled tasks:
- Menus
- Administration > Integrations > Verint > Configuration - allows you to define authentication credentials (username, password and domain) to connect with your Verint WFM Professional account
- Administration > Integrations > Verint > Export Data - allows you to send historical agent or contact data for a predefined date range (outside of the four recurring scheduled tasks defined below)
- Scheduled tasks
- Verint Agent Data - a quarter hourly recurring task that sends aggregate agent data to Verint WFM Professional
- Verint Agent Walltime Event Data - a 5 second recurring task that sends walltime event data to Verint WFM Professional
- Verint Contact Data - a quarter hourly recurring task that sends aggregate contact data to Verint WFM Professional
- Verint Redis Cleanup - a daily recurring task that will cleanup redis records that are greater than 3 days old; this ensures that the redis database does not become bogged down by data that has already been sent to Verint WFM Professional
Module: Calabrio WFM
We are happy to announce that the 23.1 release introduces a new Calabrio WFM Integration module allowing you to integrate with Calabrio Workforce Management (formerly known as Teleopti). (10784)
Note: To send data using the Calabrio WFM Integration module you must have a Calabrio Workforce Management account.
Installing the Calabrio WFM Integration module in your contact center installs two new menu options and four scheduled tasks:
- Menus
- Administration > Integrations > Calabrio > Configuration - allows you to define authentication credentials (username, password and domain) to connect with your Calabrio Workforce Management account
- Administration > Integrations > Calabrio > Export Data - allows you to send historical agent or contact data for a predefined date range (outside of the four recurring scheduled tasks defined below)
- Scheduled tasks
- Calabrio Agent Data - a quarter hourly recurring task that sends aggregate agent data to Calabrio Workforce Management
- Calabrio Agent Walltime Event Data - a 15 second recurring task that sends walltime event data to Calabrio Workforce Management
- Calabrio Contact Data - a quarter hourly recurring task that sends aggregate contact data to Calabrio Workforce Management
- Calabrio Redis Cleanup - a daily recurring task that will cleanup redis records that are greater than 3 days old; this ensures that the redis database does not become bogged down by data that has already been sent to Calabrio Workforce Management
KillContact API
A new KillContact API allows you to submit telephone numbers that you want to stop from being dialed in preview dialer campaigns (i.e. kill the interaction with the contact before it happens). Once killed a telephone number will not be dialed from the list(s) in which it has been killed (even if you stop / start the preview dialer campaign); however, the telephone number can still be dialed if it exists in other lists not yet cleansed by the KillContact API.
The KillContact API uses a POST method with four parameters to find and kill telephone numbers:
- TelNumbers (Mandatory). A JSON array of the telephone numbers you want to check for, and kill, contacts associated with the telephone numbers. All telephone numbers should be defined using E.164 format (e.g. +18556296664). Where only telephone numbers are provided, the KillContact API will search for matches in ALL dialer lists.
- CampaignIds (Optional). A JSON array of the preview dialer campaign ids in which you want to check for, and kill, contacts associated with the telephone numbers defined by TelNumbers. Where preview dialer campaign ids and telephone numbers are provided, the KillContact API will search all lists associated with the identified preview dialer campaign(s).
- CampaignListIds (Optional). A JSON array of the dialer list ids in which you want to check for, and kill, records associated with the telephone numbers defined by TelNumbers. Where list ids and telephone numbers are provided, the KillContact API will only search the identified lists.
Note: In this scenario any CampaignsIds also provided are effectively ignored as you have explicitly defined CampaignListIds.
- ColRequirements (Optional). Additional column requirements that must be satisfied for a telephone number defined by TelNumbers to be killed. Each column requirement must be defined as a Header / Value pairing; for example, ColRequirements defined as [{"Header":"State","Value":"Texas"}, {"Header":"City", "Value":"Dallas"}] would both have to match before a telephone number defined by TelNumbers would be killed.
Example POST Request | Impact | ||
{ "TelNumbers":["+18556296664",”+15552368”] } | Would search for and, when found, kill both telephone numbers in ALL dialer lists. | ||
{ “CampaignIds”:[”34cee200-740d-4208-9110-1620a2b12d30”,”8a276336-3a0d-4174-a521-937f64385d01”], "TelNumbers":["+18556296664",”+15552368"] } | Would search for and, when found, kill both telephone numbers in ALL dialer lists associated with the two preview dialer campaigns identified by GUID. | ||
{ “CampaignListIds”:[”34cee200-740d-4208-9110-1620a2b12d30”,”8a276336-3a0d-4174-a521-937f64385d01”], "TelNumbers":["+18556296664",”+15552368"] } | Would search for and, when found, kill both telephone numbers in the two dialer lists identified by GUID. | ||
{ “CampaignListIds”:[”34cee200-740d-4208-9110-1620a2b12d30”,”8a276336-3a0d-4174-a521-937f64385d01”], "TelNumbers":["+18556296664",”+15552368"], "ColRequirements":[{"Header":"State","Value":"Texas"},{"Header":"City","Value":"Dallas"}] } | Would search for and, when found, kill both telephone numbers in the two dialer lists identified by GUID but ONLY if they satisfy the additional column requirements State = Texas AND City = Dallas.
Note: CampaignIds and CampaignListIds can be obtained by adding the Id column to the Preview Campaigns and List Management grids.
The KillContact API can be found under Apps/Platform/DialerLists/KillContact in System Administration > API Management > Browse APIs and can be called directly from within the API browser. Alternatively you can call the API via an external interface by passing an API key as a URL parameter (e.g. . API keys are generated by navigating to Administration > API Management > Keys.
Note: Whilst agentless dialer campaigns use dialer lists to define what numbers should be dialed, agentless campaign lists are not populated in the same way as preview dialer campaign lists. Therefore, whilst you can use KillContact to cleanse dialer lists BEFORE they are associated with agentless campaigns and the kill instruction will be honored, you CANNOT search for telephone numbers in agentless dialer campaigns by specifying agentless dialer CampaignIds NOR can you expect real time KillContact instructions to apply in agentless dialer campaigns that have already been started.
ACD Users card
The following enhancements have been made to the ACD Users card (aka Agents in the canned Agents & Contacts dashboard):
- Profile has been added as an optional column. The Profile column allows managers to quickly see which agents are logged in using which ACD User Profiles so that decisions can be made more easily regarding staffing levels. (8629)
- Avg Talk has been added as a default column. Avg Talk displays the average length of time (HH:MM:SS) an agent spent talking today; calculated as Total Talk Time / Number of Interactions. (11019)
- Avg Wrap has been added as a default column. Avg Wrap displays the average length of time (HH:MM:SS) an agent spent in wrap today; calculated as Total Wrap Time / Number of Interactions. (11019)
- Inbound has been added as a default column. Inbound displays a count of today’s inbound interactions that have been handled by an agent. (11019)
- Outbound has been added as a default column. Outbound displays a count of today’s outbound connected interactions that have been handled by an agent. (11019)
- Denied has been added as a default column. Denied displays a count of today’s interactions that were offered to an agent but either they chose to deny it or it remained unanswered before timeout. (11019)
Note: For the following new columns Avg Talk, Avg Wrap, Inbound, Outbound and Denied today is considered as 00:00 to the current time.
Timecard States - state summary pie chart
Enhancements have been made to how labels and tooltips are displayed for each slice of the Timecard States - State Summary pie chart.
The font used for slice labels now resizes dynamically, changing when you resize your browser window, to ensure the label remains contained within the pie chart and is readable. In some cases the slice is too slim to include a label, in which case you can view the tooltip by hovering your mouse pointer over a slice. The tooltip lists the number of times the agent has been in that state and the time spent in that state (expressed as hh:mm:ss and as a percentage of their working day up to now). (10851)
Grid based cards
Cards that display real time data in a table now use an alternative grid technology that uses different pagination controls. Pagination controls are now always visible beneath the grid (instead of being hidden behind the hamburger menu) and are displayed as:
- Rows per page allows you to specify the number of items you want to see per page (from one to thirty).
- X-Y of Z details the number of items you are currently viewing from the maximum number returned to the grid.
- < (previous) and > (next) are controls to navigate between pages.
Pagination is now performed server-side, you only receive updates for the items displayed on the current page. (15227)
10DLC campaigns
10DLC numbers are local long-code numbers that are approved by mobile network operators for Application to Person SMS messaging in the United States. This approval comes about by registering the local long-code number with a verified 10DLC brand and an approved 10DLC campaign.
The following message text fields have been added to 10DLC campaign configuration: Opt In Message, Opt In Keywords, Optout Message, Optout Keywords. (12444)
- Opt In Message; define an opt-in message for the campaign.
- Opt In Keywords; define opt-in keywords for the campaign (comma separate multiple keywords).
- Opt Out Message; define an opt-out message for the campaign.
- Opt Out Keywords; define opt-out keywords for the campaign (comma separate multiple keywords).
Dialing pattern interpolated field UserExtension
Advanced dialing pattern configuration has been enhanced to include a new interpolated field {input.UserExtension}. Where you include {input.UserExtension} in a dialing pattern output parameter, and the defined input parameter(s) can be satisfied, then the system will insert an appropriate user extension as the value of {input.UserExtenson}.
For example, when an agent initiates an outbound call to a colleague’s extension, they must select the From number. Typically the From number would have an outbound CNAM / Caller ID configured. In the example scenario, instead of presenting the configured CNAM / Caller ID the system could instead present the dialing agent’s extension.
To achieve this:
- create an advanced dialing pattern
- set an input parameter to DNIS with a regular expression to pattern match against dials from internal extensions (e.g. ^(7\d\d\d)$ matches match against 4 digits beginning with a 7)
- finally set one of the output parameters as ANI with an interpolated value of {input.UserExtension}
When the system identifies an outbound dial from one 7xxx range number to another, the ANI presented is the dialing user’s extension instead of the outbound CNAM / Caller ID configured for the From number. If the outbound dial is to an external telephone number then the configured outbound CNAM / Caller ID would be presented instead of the user’s extension. (9453)
Granting / revoking roles
To be permitted to change contact center user roles you must have been granted the Admin role. As of this release only users who have been granted both the SysAdmin and Admin role are permitted to grant / revoke the Author, Reseller and SysAdmin roles for contact center users. This change brings the super user roles of Author, Reseller and SysAdmin into line with how the Billable flag is handled.
Where users only have the Admin role, and they attempt to change contact center user roles, then they will find that the checkboxes for Author, Reseller, SysAdmin and Billable are read-only.
This change has been applied in the following areas of the Admin Portal:
- changing roles for individual users (Administration > Users > All Users > Manage user)
- managing roles for multiple users (Administration > Users > All Users > Manage Users > Manage Roles)
- creating invitations (Administration > Users > Invitations > Create Invitation)
- creating bulk invitations (Administration > Users > Invitations > Create Bulk Invitations)
Note: This change has not been made in the API. Therefore where a user who only has the Admin role creates users from a CSV file (Administration > Users > All Users > Manage Users > Create Users from CSV) the API will permit the Author, Reseller and SysAdmin roles to be granted. (11791)
Telephone numbers
The way that the Admin Portal displays toast and error messages when purchasing telephone numbers has changed. When you attempt to purchase telephone numbers with a combination of State & Area Code that results in no matches being returned, the toast is only displayed after you have clicked the Search button.
Note: Minimum length for an Area Code search is 3 digits.
The toast and error message text has also been simplified. The toast now says “Error. No match found for this location.” If you click the toast the error now says “400 Bad Request. Search criteria does not match available phone numbers for location.” (11115)
In-queue timeout behavior
In-queue timeout behavior (Administration > Queue Management > Queues > a queue > Call Settings > In-Queue Options) has changed in the following scenarios.
Where an in-queue announcement is configured to be played (Administration > Queue Management > Queues > a queue > Call Settings > Announcements) and the announcement is playing when the in-queue timeout triggers then the in-queue timeout action will occur after the announcement has ended.
If the in-queue timeout is triggered when an interaction is routing to an agent then the in-queue timeout action will occur after routing to agent has ended. (9770)
Database provider integration
The following changes have been made to the Database Provider Integration module.
A Populate Lookup Data button has been added to each record listed in the System Administration > Database Provider grid allowing an administrator to populate lookup tables on a per database provider basis. The following lookup tables are refreshed: campaignname_lookup, channelmodifiednames_lookup, chattouchpoint_lookup, customerid_lookup, device_lookup, dispositions_lookup, parentid_lookup, phone_lookup, phonenumber_lookup, profile_lookup, queue_lookup, timezone_lookup, user_lookup. These tables are not updated as part of the scheduled ETL (extract transform load) task. (10896)
Additionally the tables that the ETL process pushes to your remote database are now configurable by way of defining an array of table names that you require. If you do not define an array of table names then the ETL process pushes all tables to your remote database. If you add to the array of table names then the ETL process will only push data for the named tables. We recommend that initially you take all tables and over time fine tune the selection to only those that you need. (10898)
Voice detail records
The Voice Detail Records report has been retired and removed from the Admin Portal. All information formerly available from Voice Detail Records can now be obtained from Detailed History. (9780)
- To support the Report Designer we’ve also added a Metric Mapper to the Authoring menu. Install the Authoring Toolkit module to view the Metric Mapper (read-only) where you’ll find a glossary of report metrics (ID, Name, Display Name, Description, Category, Calculation, Calculation Description and Group). (11670)
- The Hold Time metric has been added as an optional column to the Detailed History report. (10805)
- Within the Callback Summary report, Total Callback Time metric was removed and Average Callback Time as well as Callback Handled was added. (10033)
- Voice Detail Records report has been removed due to the replication of data available in Detailed History. (9780)
- When Outbound is enabled for a queue, an informational banner will now appear stating: "If enabled, some outbound statistics associated with this queue will be combined with some inbound statistics that are also associated with this queue. Statistics impacted are: Answer Time, Talk Time, Wrap Time, Handle Time. If you wish to separate these time related metrics between inbound and outbound direction on your queue-level reporting, consider creating separate inbound and outbound queues." (12142)
- With reporting accuracy verified, the Temp: Queue Activity report has been removed. (15261)
Preview dialer queue scheduled follow ups
Scheduled follow ups (aka rescheduled calls) can now be configured for outbound telephone interactions generated during preview dialer campaigns (the Scheduled Follow Up module must be installed in your contact center). (15661)
Allow Scheduled Follow Up must be enabled against the preview dialer queue associated with the preview dialer campaign (Administration > Queue Management > Queues > a preview dialer queue > Wrap Up > Allow Scheduled Follow Up). Once enabled agents can click the three vertical dots in the Agent / Desktop / Mobile Experience and select Schedule follow-up to configure a follow up call.
Note: When agents elect to schedule follow-ups, they are required to select the queue from which the follow-up will be made. To ensure that follow-ups remain persistent, and can be managed independently of the preview dialer campaign from which they originated, agents should select a normal telephone call queue (i.e. not from the preview dialer queue). This means that even if the originating preview dialer campaign is stopped or paused, the scheduled follow ups are still committed and dialed at the appropriate time. We recommend a telephone call queue named Callbacks (or similar) is created for this purpose. Additionally, we recommend a disposition named Callback (or similar) is created that can be assigned when follow-ups are scheduled. Following both recommendations simplifies reporting when linking follow-ups back to the campaigns from which they were scheduled and the agents who scheduled them.
Chat widget styling
Styling of the company logo displayed in the top left corner of the customer facing chat widget has been changed to remove the border-radius: 50%; property. Border-radius results in the logo displaying as an oval which may result in parts of the logo being cropped. (11017)
Company logo tooltip
The tooltip that is displayed when hovering your mouse pointer over the company logo in the top left corner of the Admin Portal has been removed. (10840)
E911 hidden for call centers outside of US and Canada
When the Local Phone Number Region (under General Settings) is set to anything other than the United States or Canada, all E911 elements within the Administration, System Administration, User, and Agent Experience will be suppressed. (11753)
This would include:
- System Administration > Event Notifications
- Administration > General Settings > Prompt for E911 checkbox
- Administration > Phone Configuration > VoIP > Devices > Add > E911 tab
- Administration > Phone Configuration > VoIP > Devices > Edit > E911 tab
- Administration > Users > All Users > a user > Manage User > Prompt for E911 location checkbox
- User profile icon in lower left > Phone Settings > E911 tab
- When logged into the Agent / Desktop / Mobile Experience > Station Settings > E911 tab
Resolved issues
Agent experience
- The support telephone number displayed when submitting a critical trouble ticket has been updated. (10870)
- If your system locale is anything other than English (United States) you can now schedule follow ups. (11187)
- Where inbound contacts withhold their telephone number (i.e. dialing with prefix *67 in the US, 141 in the UK) and the call centers queue, the system can now route the call to agents whose Station Settings are configured as PSTN (i.e route to a PSTN telephone number). (11755)
- If an agent has entered wrap for an interaction that has come from a queue where the queue name includes ampersands (&), and dispositions are configured against the queue, the Agent / Desktop Experience now correctly displays all appropriate dispositions. (11809)
- When an agent makes an outbound call to a known contact the Agent / Desktop Experience correctly displays the contact name instead of “Unknown”. (11972)
- Extension to extension telephone calls now correctly produce ringback. (12514)
- Outbound email interactions are substituting the queue appropriate auto signature. (12643)
- A toast is now displayed in the Agent Experience when the agent leg has failed. (13760)
ACD user profiles
- Where an ACD User Profile is created for an existing user the Enable Audio Check setting is now applied correctly. (11263)
File manager
- Files are now correctly stored in the subfolder to which you uploaded them instead of the root of your contact center storage. (10976)
Telephone numbers
- A telephone number can no longer be assigned as a PBX Feature (DID / Ring-All) when the PBX module is not installed in the contact center. (10956)
- When copying a queue using the Save Copy As function the Grade Profile property for the copied queue is correctly being set to Default_Sync. (10356)
- To clarify requirements the explanatory text displayed beneath the Emails field in Bulk Invitations has been changed to “The list of email recipients to receive the invitation separated by a line break. To include a mobile phone number for MFA verification method, type the number after the email address separated by a comma. Ex: [email protected], 020 1234 1234.” (10946)
- Where call forwarding is configured to use the Finally Send to VoiceMail feature, and the forwarded call is not answered before the configured Finally No Answer Timeout value, the forwarded call will now correctly be sent to the user’s voicemail. (11939)
- Competencies containing special characters can be deleted. (13666)
- When forwarding to an external number where Disable Press 1 to Connect is enabled, the inbound call now connects without requiring 1 to be pressed. (11982)
- Cards that display queue statistics no longer error when they include queues where the queue name includes ampersands (&). (11262)
- The Not Ready Breakdown card updates correctly when team filters are applied. (11757)
- Preview dialer campaigns allow you redial contacts based on the disposition assigned during the original interaction. (12441)
- Preview dialer campaigns allow you to redial contacts based on their time zone. (12442)
- Agentless dialer campaigns load list contacts correctly. (12570)
- Administrators are now able to Force Logoff an agent on an outbound pending dialer interaction. (1268)
- Once a campaign is stopped, it will no longer get into a stuck state. It may take up to 6 minutes for a campaign to stop, where an agent was forced out during the running campaign. (12099)
- If an agent closes the Agent Experience during an active campaign, any dialer interactions attempting to route to the agent will be placed back into the dialer queue. (12681)
- Voicemails are now played to the dialed party when using the Voicemail Drop feature. (15372)
- When creating or editing an Agentless Campaign, the knowledge base instructions now open in a new tab. (12633)
- Pausing and then resuming a campaign will restart the campaign and reflect the proper status. (12682)
- MMS is now supported through Agentless Dialer campaigns. (12176)
- The date / time range saved to a report view is now being reapplied correctly when using the view to generate a report (applies to all Dialer, Feedback, Historical - ACD User, Historical - Contacts and Quality Management reports). (11195)
- Scrollbars that prevented left menu navigation have been removed from the View Details page of the Detailed History report. (11284)
- Improved accuracy of aggregated metrics in Detailed History. (11354)
- Creating a Saved View for any historical report no longer reverts the date. (11195)
- All filter labels and select column headers in historical reports have been renamed to remove the “s”. (12696)
- Real-time user states reporting the same durations between the ACD User States report and the ACD Users (aka Agents) dashboard card. (13610)
- State time for the Agent Experience header, Team list, and ACD Users (aka Agents) card now reflect the same information. If the agent is on multiple interactions, it will show the longest talk time. If one interaction is in wrap and one active, it will show the active interaction. And where the agent is on multiple interactions all in a wrap-up state, it will show the longest wrap-up duration. (12686, 15297, 11269)
- Where Callback Takeover is enabled, if a customer calls into a call center, requests a callback, then calls in a second time before the callback is handled, a Callback Takeover Competition Code will be associated with the second inbound call. (11344)
- Average Handle Time (AHT) on the Today’s Handle Time card now accurately reflects for all channels. (13612)
- SLA Short Abandons now counting on the Contacts Abandoned report. (10877)
- Selecting the colored presence dot on the User States card now opens the session details in a new tab. (10848)
- Instances of the typo “Compentencies” have been corrected. (11355)
- Improvements have been made to queuing logic to ensure all channel interactions queue as expected. (11750)
- Logic has been changed to allow reports to work if null column values are found within a Dialer List. (11940)
- Calls to an extension where Extension Type is set to Forward External # now forward to the specified destination. (13973)